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Friday, November 18, 2011

I’ve not had a very good week with these vessels. :(

I have tried using shapes and textures from the Pollen, Seeds and Fruit books – shown on here a few weeks back. I still wanted to use the same technique and/or the same (favourite) colours I have been using but with a bit of a twist.

With the first one I have got as far as the white paint stage and that is where I think it will probably end.

It stands around 30” tall and looks like an instrument of medieval torture!

TALL1 copy TALL2


The ‘spikes’ are made from Modroc moulded around a shape and inserted through an opening cut in the Kunin felt.

While I was in the garage searching for the Modroc I came across a couple of bowl shapes I had made some time ago and decided to give one a coat of acrylic paint.

BOWL2 INSIDE BOWL In the meantime I had put together another vessel using a base of Kunin Felt on which I couched down a thick cotton thread and applied Xpandaprint before zapping the felt. This is how it looked after a coating of gesso.

VESSELGESSO I was quite taken with the colouring on the bowl – a base coat of Transparent Red Iron Oxide with Paynes Grey over the top – and decided to use the same combination for the vessel. Unfortunately, because of the texture it just wouldn’t work properly and this is what it ended up like.

VESSEL2 So out came the white paint again.

paint Hopefully it will look better second time around. :)

I think I know exactly what I will be submitting for ALQS4 but I still wanted to have a play around today and see if I could come up with something a bit different.

I decided to ‘distress’ some Lutradur. These are just a few of the pieces I created, some of which I have taken a step further.

These ones have all been created on 30 weight white Lutradur.

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This one…

1 A … was later bonded to black Kunin felt.

1 B And this one…

WAXANDINK1 …had encaustic wax melted on top, was scrunched up then rubbed over with black writing ink…

WAXANDINK2 …before being ironed out smooth again.

WAXANDINK3 This one was also bonded to black Kunin felt.

CUTOUT1 Half of it was used to burn shapes out with a soldering iron which were then placed back down on the other half and machine stitched in place with a metallic thread.

CUTOUT2 This piece has been bonded to white Kunin Felt and machine stitched using an inbuilt pattern with two rayon threads in the needle before adding beads.

1 It has then been made into a notebook with Khadi paper signatures and a machine stitched cord to hold it together.



I’ve also got another encrusted vessel on the go but not finished enough to show here and I have a feeling this one is going to look even more strange than the one at the top of this page. :)

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