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Friday, November 18, 2011

Help please!

I have now made 4 hangings for the ALQS4 swap would you believe. These are the two that I have just finished.


Yes, I know, I have come across this phrase from Spenser's The Faerie Queene ,and now I will use it to death. :)

Close up:

4 CLOSE 1 And the final one (which is my absolute favourite. The finish has turned out really well – a near perfect ‘rusty’ effect) :

NUMBER 2 Close ups: 2 CLOSE 1



And now this is where I need help. Which one to send? Can I ask you to vote for one? I will then put the one with the most votes in the ALQS4 swap.

Anyone leaving a number in the message box will have their name put in the ‘hat’ and if you would like one of the remaining three I will gladly send it to you.

Here then are the contenders. All on a Duck Cotton Canvas background, with batting & backing and machine stitched. Sizes are approximate as the edges all need turning and backing!


NUMBER 1 Dressmaking Pattern Tissue Paper, acrylic paints. Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold and Paynes Grey background. 60 x 60 cms.

See here for larger version and close ups.


NUMBER 2 Pelmet Vilene lettering, Scrim. Transparent Red Iron Oxide and Paynes Grey background. 64 x 44 cms.


NUMBER 3 Foil, Fusible Webbing, Dressmaking Pattern Tissue Paper, Organza, rusted metal buttons. Transparent Red Iron Oxide background. 48 x 40 cms.

See here for larger version and close ups.


NUMBER 4 Scrim, Xpandaprint. Iridescent Bronze acrylic. Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold and Paynes Grey background. 52 x 46 cms.

Remember, they all look better in the flesh! Especially number 4, just can’t seem to get a true photograph of that one.

Look what I got in the post today:

BOOK The latest d4Daisy book. And I can tell you it is fabulous. Really lovely photography. The back says it’s a book for the coffee table and the workroom – and that is so true. Its another ‘must have’. If you order it from d4Daisy you stand a chance of getting a package of goodies from Maggie Grey.

I’m off to Kent tomorrow to give a ‘rusty’ workshop to Pat and her fellow EG members. What, nervous? Me? *LOL*

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